Monday, October 25

my boys

There's a famous part in When Harry Met Sally at the very beginning, when Meg Ryan and Billy Chrystal spend about ten minutes arguing on whether or not men and women can really be just friends, and Harry says it's impossible because there's always the sexual tension from at least one of the two.
Well, I'm a strong believer in male/female friendships. Although I think it's very hard to develop such a platonic friendship in your twenties or beyond, I do think that when you stroke the friendship early on, and passed the sexual tension mambo jambo in your early teens, then that friendship can last forever.
Proof is, my boys. There are a lot of advantages to having male friends. One of them, obvious, is it's a lot easier to analyze a man with a male perspective helping you there. The other, also obvious, is that boys are more fun on any given day.
For me, each of my boys gives me something I need, altogether providing me with life essentials, with the exception of passionate love and sex [although some might argue friends with benefits can work, but more on that in the next post].
I'll admit they throw in the occasional "will you flash me?" or "can we please just sleep together" but it's all innocent jibberish. I've come to appreciate them even more recently, as one of my two close girlfriends left the country, and the boys are all I have left.
One cooks for me, appears whenever I need him, always has answers to questions like "where can I buy an anything ?" and jumps at every occasion to be adventurous. One takes me for beers, listens to me rant endlessly, and puts me in my place when needed. He takes the time to give me good advice, and is the perfect companion for a lazy Sunday watching 25 episodes of Seinfeld. One is the perfect gentlemen, always making me feel protected and princess like. He compliments me, and is always there for me, even when he has to call overseas and listen to me be girl-like for an hour. He's my rational-go-to-friend. One makes me feel loved, always checking on me when he feels I'm in need, and tries very hard to make me feel better. And another is my own personal clown, a funny personae who will make me laugh no matter what.
I write this post, unlike any other, with absolutely no agenda. I just wanted to say thank you to the men in my life who I know will always be there. And when shit hits the fan, I'm very grateful I have them in my life. Men and women can be friends. And they can be the best.


  1. Just discovered your blog, and I like it!
    Thanks for your posts.

    Concerning this particular one, someone told me, not long ago - and sorry it's in French-:

    "Les filles n'ont jamais d'amis garçon. Elles ont juste des copains avec qui elles ne sont pas sorties a temps."

    What do you think of this?


  2. Thanks Aldo for your comment!

    I think it depends on the situation... there are definitly some male "friends" of mine that I think could've been boyfriends but there wasn't good timing. But from all my bestfriends, really I think when you meet very young, it's very innocent and brotherly, and I do believe in this friendship because I have it, with several guys.
