Tuesday, May 31

dear mom,

I remember looking forward to this day. A few days after you were gone, I thought to myself, I can’t wait for it to be ten years from now, because it wont hurt as much anymore. And in some ways, it doesn't. It’s hard to admit, but we do get used to everything in the end, even not having the people we love most in the world around us. But I think about you every single day.

It was ten years ago, the last time I saw you. I’m not sure I remember your voice anymore, I don’t think I remember your smell. And I know it doesn’t really matter, but the thing is, it does. When I watch a video of you and you say something, I find myself surprised, not recognizing your voice.

I’m sending you this letter out in the open, over the airwaves, through a blog. It would’ve been really funny trying to explain to you what a blog is, just like I spent two days teaching you how to send an email. It’s not because I want to share this personal moment with the world. It’s because I want the world to know who you were. Who you are still. I didn’t understand it back then, I couldn’t understand what you were going through. I was so young even though I thought I was so grown up and already knew the world… I knew nothing, and I was selfish, because even when you were the one who was dying from three tumors growing relentlessly in your head, in your lungs, in your liver, I still thought about my own suffering more than I thought about yours. I couldn’t understand how scared you must’ve been, to know you were dying. How alone you must’ve felt. How terrifying it must be to know you will not see your children grow up. That your son who was only seven, might not remember you.

I once asked you if you were scared. You said “I’m scared for you.” Because that's who you are. And I still learn from it, every day.

You’re the kind of wife, who when doctors told had a life threatening disease, your first instinct was to turn to your husband and ask if he was okay. You’re the kind of mother who asked me if you could remove your wig, because it was itching you, but you wanted to make sure it didn’t bother me to see you without hair. You’re the kind of woman who consciously opted for no chemo, so that instead of living an extra few months but being sick all the time, you would live a little less, but be able to enjoy it with us. The kind of mother who has the courage to put her children around a table and tell them that she may not always be physically present, but that she would always, always be around us, no matter what.

And the truth is, even though my faith has gone up and down and sideways in the last few years, that I barely believe there is anything out there, that I am as skeptical as they get, I have no doubt that you are around me somehow. Your words, they resonate in my mind as if it was just yesterday that you said them to me. Everything you taught me, I use in ways I could have never imagined. And I try my best to pass them on to Soraya and Karim, because they weren’t as lucky as me, they didn’t have as much time. But even though they had you for so little, you left your mark on them too. I look at Karim and I see you in his eyes. I look at Soraya and I see you in her smile. Your three children have your name tattooed on their bodies --because we take you everywhere we go.

There are days where not having you here is torturous. Yes, it’s true, I miss you like hell when it’s Christmas morning and you’re not there. You were the only person I thought about the day I graduated from Columbia. And it kills me to know that you will not be there the day we get married, or the day we become parents. But I would give up all these days, gladly, if I could have you on all the other days. The days when I’m sick and I feel like crap and I want you to be there so you can hold me and nurse be back to health. The days I’m in total quarter-life crisis mode, and I am dying to talk to you about it. The days I screw up. The days I’m scared. The days I fall in love and the days I get my heart broken. The days I look at Soraya and Karim and I don’t know how give them enough love from you and me. And mostly, the days I’m happy, and all I wish is for you to be part of that happiness.

But I haven't shared any of that with you in ten years. The last time I saw you, in that moment, in that hospital bed, I thought you were already gone. I looked at you in so much pain, and all I wanted was for you to be at peace. I held your hand, I told you I loved you, but I truly thought I was saying it more for me than for you. I thought you couldn't hear me, but I was wrong. Even at your worst suffering, in your dying moment, you found a way to come back to the surface, and to give me one more proof of unwavering love. I will never forget how you suddenly came back to your body and reached out for me, consciously grabbed my hand, even though you had not an ounce of energy left in you, you put it on your heart and I could feel every beat. I’m still alive, is what you trying to tell me. I love you too. Even though you couldn’t say it, you found a way to make sure I knew. The love you gave me was so big, so strong, it has kept me going for the last ten years. Even in your death, you know how to make me feel better. Because that’s who you are.

And yes, I want the whole world to know how proud I am to be your daughter. That I have a mother, who despite the distance between heaven and earth, still manages to help me through the day. I’m so grateful for you, and all I can hope for is that wherever you are, I can make you proud. But I miss you so much and no matter how many words I write today, I’ll never be able to convey it.

I love you.


  1. I had a dream, I was flying in every other week end and we would spend hours of te day talking and trying to find a way out of your situtation. we challenged doctors, tried various methods, you would go at it with convinction and when we would doubt then we would laugh about it. Then we tried the run of 1999 to 2000 all together in teh desert, maybe we would all go together! you were radiant and laughed, as you always laugh Rima, your smile and laughter is embeded in my memoy and heart.
    Then that lunch, that 7 hour long lunch in February where you knew and took decisions that would change all our lives. We watched the water break on the rocks, we were at jamal's....
    Aqaba in spring wa sout last trip together, the mud bath on the jetty! anything to make you laugh! And when you laughed your eyes would turn into stars, becauseyou would squint so hard!
    Rima we miss you, I miss you...
    it was not a dream!

  2. This is a remembrance day for all who loved you Ramroume ..
    But don't we all - all those to whom you were the most wonderful person, remember you and pray for you every single day ?
    Yes, we might have forgotten the music of your voice.
    Yes, we might not remember the way you pronounced the R.
    But how could we forget your "joie de vivre"?
    How could we forget your farandoles surrounded by kids dancing at hyper loud music tunes?
    You have impacted each and every one of us.
    You have given to us lessons of life and lessons of love.
    Anyhow, you are always around when we have a family lunch or a family reunion.
    Your photos hang around all our houses.
    Not because we need to look at your photos to remember your face, but to see - maybe unconsciously, that smile that says how proud you are everyday of your children !!
    How proud you are of Yasmina, who turned out to be exactly what you were expecting: an artist with words, an artist with emotions, and a true lady.
    How proud you are of Soraya, who is running on the same artistic path than you did, and distributing love the way you did.
    How proud you are of Karim, on whom I prefer not to comment, cause he's the kind of boy every single parent dreams to have!
    To conclude, I must say out loud how very proud I was and will always be to have had you as a sister in law .....
    May these few words translate all what I did not have the time to say when you were still physically around us ..

  3. What a beautiful post. Allah yerhama.

  4. what you wrote is so beautiful. NOt because it is sad and emotional but beacause it is true.
    You conveyed your message very well.
    I lost my mom 4.5 years ago.
    I thought I was mature and understood the world but I now realise how much I am missing everyday without her. How many moments I could have shared now that I changed. So many moments I could have shared with her now I am growing up and turning just like. Looking just like her and smiling when people tell me I look like her.
    I often talk about her to people that don't even care, but it's how I let her be alive.
    I held her hand the last time I saw her and told her I loved her. And I am sure she heard me and felt the love.
    There are so many true things in what you said.
    Especially that I miss her most when I am happy.
    Thank you
