Tuesday, November 16

"ma tete, mon coeur, et mes couilles"

Boys and girls alike were in agreement with the theory of my last blog post: know with your head, and with your heart.
But there was an interesting point made by one of my Rat friends, The Tenor, who reminded me that for men, there is one more element to consider: the penis. Actually, to be completely accurate, he said "the dick is always the winner, because if there was no dick, there would be no motivation." Now let's agree that there are exceptions to this rule... but consider the ramifications. While women have to maintain balance between their head and their heart, men have debates between their head, heart, and balls.
Actually, a French Artist known as "Grand Corps Malade" has a song called "ma tete, mon coeur et mes couilles (my head, my heart and my balls)" about this very phenomenon.
So I though I'd take a closer look. It seems to me, that unlike women, men find that it is easiest to control their hearts. Their heads and their balls however, now that's another story.
I for one, am already in over my head trying to rationalize my emotions. But men have compartments for their feelings. They can put things in boxes and label them, only opening them when they choose to. The rest of the time, they use their heads, they rationalize, and they can deal with pretty much anything that way. But when their balls get in the way... then neither their heads nor their hearts make a difference --unless they have tremendous willpower. I guess this is why men say they can cheat on you and still love you: their penis and their hearts don't have to be in agreement.
So I guess in order to be in complete sync with a man, you have to be in sync with his head, his heart, and most importantly, his balls. Piece of cake.

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