Monday, January 30

looking for my mojo

Last week I panicked when I realized I couldn't write. I could barely come up with one paragraph to tell you all that I can't write... And I thought of taking a long break, get my thoughts together, maybe get some real inspiration brewing... but then I realized that I might never come back from that lengthy break, so I'd rather try all sorts of stuff to get my mojo back...

So the first thing I did, of course, is google "writer's block." It's funny how the first thing we do in any situation now is go to google. And here's how Wikipedia defines it: Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have even abandoned their careers. So it's a condition. And here I thought it was just one of those things writers used as an excuse when they had nothing to write about!

So now that I know I have a condition I feel the need to treat it. I found all sorts of articles on how to overcome writer's block... And there were some very strange ideas, like "talk to a monkey or a stuffed animal." No comment.  Another was "take a shower, change clothes." Seriously. Like that's something you should do only if you're really desperate to write. And my ultimate favorite: "Find God." I don't know about you, but if I find God, I won't give a shit about writing anymore.

Anyway apparently there's a serious lack of good tips when it comes to getting yourself out of writer's block. My suspicion is it's because anyone who's ever attempted to write these tips were trying to overcome writer's block themselves, and just ended up by listing a bunch of crap. 

I've been trying to write a long time, so I've tried my fair share of crap before. Do not go isolate yourself for three days in Faraya when the weather is gloomy and your hotel room barely fits a bed. Ordering crappy room service while watching fuzzy TV and feeling lonely will not get you inspired. You'll just end up leaving by the end of day 2, even if it's dark outside and the fog is thick and you're afraid for your life while you drive back down. You'll just be out of three hundred bucks. 

Oh and do not buy five different books from that all promise to help you write the world's next best-selling novel. They take too long to arrive, you pay three times their worth on shipping and handling (what is "handling" anyway?) and when they actually get here and you take all five of them on your isolation retreat in Faraya, you're probably only gonna read the first three pages of each and decide that no one can tell you how to write, it's an inner talent that everyone works with differently. 

Here's what I'm willing to try to see if I can get my mojo back: I'm going to come up with a list of 8 things to do in the next month [February]. And we'll see what happens for each... if nothing else, there will be pictures to prove my efforts.

  1. Shock a complete stranger. I don't know how yet
  2. Be blond for a day... and a night
  3. Call in sick, and see where the day goes
  4. Rats night out: convince the Rats to leave their belles at home one night and give me some oh so needed Rattitude
  5. Go on a road-trip: somewhere I've never been
  6. Give someone something for V day even though I hate it and it's corny and whatever
  7. Read the letters my grandparents wrote each other before they were married
  8. Look for God, obviously 
So... wish me luck.


  1. I once heard that you could get writer's block cause your thinking too much about what you want to write or that you want to write and the process becomes mechanical and so there's no flow anymore. It happened to me awhile back and I got really down. Then marra I had a very busy weeekend of outings and gatherings and just simple fun and writting didn't crossmy mind once. when I went back home I sat on my laptop to check facebook and it came back. I didn't write a book but I wrote a little and it kept picking up :)

    So maybe try to get your mind off it, which is difficult I know..but it worked for me. I got distracted and it came back.

  2. Oh and good luck with following your tips..this blog is my favorite would hate to see it stop

  3. Good Luck! Road trip is ALWAYS a good idea!

  4. Would love to see some excerpts from your grandparents' correspondence if that would be appropriate... Maybe you can do a post about the loss of love letters...

  5. @anotherblogwriter I will definitely write something about those letters :)

  6. @livingleila thank you for your encouragement! @JM can't wait for the road trip actually :) any excuse to do one!!
