Monday, December 20

In perspective

I'm going to allow myself to go off topic this once.
Today I don't feel like making some witty remark about how the Rats have an excel sheet comparing their penis size to their height in percentages (I saw it with my own two eyes), or how women all over the country are preparing for the arrival of a fresh shipment of males. Although it would be fun to tackle, today I want to put things in perspective.
Last night, my 16-year-old cousin arrived from Chicago. She has been there for the last ten weeks, in a rehabilitation center, working on regaining every function in her body. Three months ago she fell off her horse, broke a cervical vertebrae, and lost everything we take for granted every day, like the ability to move her fingers, her arms, sit up, stand up, move her toes, walk a step.
Now she can already stand up on her own, take steps with a walker, and regained almost all of her arms and hands' functions. And in a couple of months we all know she will be on her feet again, dancing away. It's a miracle. But what is even more of a miracle, is to look at this young girl's face and see her smile. From day one, stuck in intensive care with a tube down her throat for days, this little Princess gave us the most beautiful smile in the world. It's so full of positive energy, that you can feel her magical spirit all around, and it's contagious. There is no doubt in my mind that her attitude is what helped her defy the odds of spinal cord injury and fight for her right to stand up and walk again.
When I saw her yesterday after her 24 hours of flying, she looked more beautiful then ever. I thought of all the stupid, silly things I complain about every day, and I put them in perspective. Here I was standing in front of my 16-year-old cousin sitting in a wheel-chair, exhausted, but still looking happier than I've ever felt. Made me feel so small.
Some people say you have to stop and look around you from time to time, because there are always things happening, or people in your life teaching you things without you even realizing it. Yesterday I learnt that even though life can take away every function in your body, it can't take away your spirit.
And don't think it stops here. Even though she's been in Chicago working her ass off for the last two months, this cheeky little girl is back with dates lined up with two different guys.
We've got a lot to learn.


  1. la derniere a propo de mes dates on ore pu sen passer :P haha
    habibi yas

    baby keep smiling you know the sun is shining!


  2. That's a blog worth reading right there!! Enough with stupid rat stories, give your readers sonething beautiful to read instead of gratifying a couple of idiots every week! I'm sure there are a lot more similar stories you can tell your readers about, with your work at philippe's foundation... Ray
